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I Lie Tranquil In Your Soft Embrace


cushioned by your form
warmed by your radiance
safe in your embrace
tranquility flows through the play of your fingertips
the fondling of hair
a caress of a cheek

buoyed by your words
compelled by your enthusiasm
confident in your respect
happiness centers upon the music of your voice
the hum of a lullaby
a murmur of devotion

sustained by your aroma
permeated by your aura
heady in your essence
satisfaction floats within the fragrance of your hair
the scent of raspberries
a breath of mint

elevated by your beauty
awed by your inspiration
alive in your vitality
existence revolves around the smile of your face
the parted lips waiting to kiss
a reflection of myself in your eyes


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I Lie Tranquil In Your Soft Embrace, by Paul Cales, © November 2001